Irish Whiskey French Toast with Coffee Syrup

If there's a holiday designed for boozing ALL the things, St. Patty's Day is it. And I am certainly NOT going to miss an opportunity to get in the kitchen and get that done. Don't worry. I am all over that. You know what else is all over that?

Irish whiskey.

And coffee. Lots of coffee.

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I know what you're thinking. What on earth is all that magnificence? It's french toast soaked in Irish Whiskey, then topped with coffee syrup, walnuts, and Bailey's whipped cream.

Feeling lucky yet?

One of my favorite things about french toast is that, unlike pancakes and waffles, it's not a huge commitment. Just whip up some batter, cut some bread, and get on with it.

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But this is a special St. Patrick's Day recipe so I took it next level with homemade Irish buttermilk soda bread. It soaks up the eggs and whiskey like nobody's business. But if you're not into booze first thing in the morning, you can always skip that in favor of plain cream or milk.

Not into booze in the morning? Who ARE you?

Your bread is going take a swim into all that batter and it's gonna be amazing. Promise.

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What's that dark, rich syrup you ask? COFFEE SYRUP.

It's the best thing in the whole wide world.

I grabbed some at Trader Joe's, but you can also make your own at home. It'll be epic on this french toast. It turns the entire thing into an Irish coffee concoction that'll knock your socks off. 

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Sprinkle on some walnuts and you're nearly there. The best breakfast of your life. But wait. What are we missing? 


A dollop of whipped cream laced with Bailey's is the finishing touch on this stack of St. Patty's day delight.

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I hope you find ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day that involve the delights not just of food, but also the friends and family that make you feel truly lucky. Until next time, friends remember a little indulgence never hurt anybody.

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Irish Whiskey French Toast with Coffee Syrup

4 slices Irish soda bread
3 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
1 Tablespoon Irish whiskey
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, plus extra for sprinkling
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons butter
coffee syrup

1 cup cold heavy cream
1 tablespoon Bailey's
1 tablespoon powdered sugar

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, whiskey, cinnamon and salt.

Heat a large skillet or grilled over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter. Dip each piece of bread in the egg mixture and coat it evenly. Place it on the hot skillet and cook until golden brown. Repeat with remaining bread. When you’re ready to flip the slices, add the remaining tablespoon of butter.

 Serve with coffee syrup and Bailey's whipped cream.

Bailey's whipped cream: Place the cream and Bailey's in the bowl of your electric mixer. Beat until peaks form. Beat in the sugar until combined.

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